Lizzie Ticker


Friday, January 12, 2007

Well, it turns out that the first picture where I thought I had everything labeled correctly was actually completely wrong. It isn't a sonogram at all, it's actually a picture that one of the Mars rovers took while it was stuck in the sand dune. I guess it got really bored in that long stint of being trapped in the same location and just came up with creative things to do with it's free time. Like make sonogram like pictures of the microscopic life that lives on the grains of sand on Mars. Odd huh? Those crazy rovers and their creativity... sheesh.

Anyway, the winner of the guess what the picture really is contest is: *drum roll*


I think also, that if you want to take a super close look at these pictures, you can click on them and they will go to a new screen and bring up the life size photo. In real time even, which is super handy.

I think I am done blogging for, oh, ever. I'm not very good at it and I can't seem to write a whole sentence that doesn't have some sort of misleading conent. Shame on me. So it is now officially up to Annie to go back to her duties of updating this page, and at the same time, be honest about what is going on and stuff.


p.s. It was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

I love it when you both blog! I love getting stories from both sides, so I think both of you should keep on blogging. =)

I'm so excited for you guys and your little girl!! I look forward to more pictures too! =)

We love and miss you all!!
