Lizzie Ticker


Thursday, January 25, 2007


I'm feeling better now. It doesn't hurt quite so much when I walk or when I turn over in bed. I need to go shopping for maternity clothes.... the rubber-band trick isn't quite working anymore.

I'm in a journalism class that is sheer torture! I despise going and don't want to be forced to partake in any of the assignments. This is not an exagerration, which is truely sad. But the good news: I have decided to stay in school for 2 more years and get a B.S. in Elementary Education! what?? yup - 3 bachelor's degrees in 7 years. Some people can get a doctorate in this amount of time, but I had no clue what I wanted to until this semester, which is teach children. Josh and I are in prayer every night about this. I wish I could be a stay at home mom, I really do! But kids cost money....know what I mean? And I know that God doesn't love stay at home moms more than working moms (thank goodness!)

So, if I am going to find a job, I want it to be one that I love more than I hate. And one that doesn't stay the same, I feel like I make a difference, and has the opprotunity for advancement in pay. Teaching! Plus, the classes for this degree sound really fun (as opposed to those horrendous journalism classes I completed)

Now the real prayer will be for excellent child care. I am petrified about putting my darling(s) in anyone else's charge. God will provide, thats what prayer is for!

Josh is going to be travelling to New Jersey this Sunday, and I'll be all alone until Wed afternoon....oh sadness. I haven't been away from him for this long and I know I'll cry (stupid pregnancy hormones, might as well let it out!)

Till later friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you two! Congrats on everything moving along for you so well! I so wish I could be there to help out but, alas, KSU doesn't think I'm good enough for their veterinary program, so sadly enough I won't be there. But that doesn't mean I won't visit from time to time! You'll not be rid of me that easily!!! Good luck with the house and the land, and the only thing I can think of for your floor planning to the new house is maybe a split door for the baby's room? I've just always thought split doors were the coolest thing ever. You can keep short things out, but still interact with the people in the room, and with a dog as hyper active as yours, it seems like a pretty good idea ;) Love you both and best wishes!
