Lizzie Ticker


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lizzie Lou is walking EVERYWHERE now! I was just eating a waffle in the kitchen while she was standing and holding onto the dishwasher. Then, she let go and walked clear across the kitchen without stopping! Needless to say the waffle was ignored while I started clapping and praising her! She would still rather crawl, but she can walk without any help now!

She is 10 1/2, so close to 1 year.....I have a baby that is almost 1 year old? Doesn't seem possible sometimes :-)

Other Lizzie news: She points to things and babbles, its so cute! She loves the cat and dog, and will pat them (not pet, pat - like you do to a drum LOL) She is learning how to throw fits too - oh I love it when she throws her head back and cries her heart times. And her newest favorite toy is pens or pencils. If she has one and you take it away from her she will get so upset! She hasn't poked herself too bad yet, so we'll see. I don't let her walk with them, only crawl.

God bless!

I can't get a picture of her walking towards me...this is the best I could do so far! Don't you just love the hands? LOL
And this is a pic of her walking towards me. Notice the look of complete concentration!

1 comment:

mindy said...

What a cutie pie! Yay for walking! It’s so fun to watch them waddle around with their new found independence.

The baby babble is so cute! I love hearing them talk…even if you can’t understand a lick of what they say!

Love ya,
Min and the boys