Lizzie Ticker


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

All in a Day's Work for Lizzie Lou

Yesterday Lizzie decided "girls just want to have fun" and she had a lot of it. These are all from yesterday. A different family member helped her to make a seperate mess. Enjoy the following pics and I have a blog to follow!
Here she is with MeMa, emptying out Grandad's sock drawer. She was not satisfied until it was completely empty. As soon as I put some socks back in, she pulled them right out again!

I was out of the room and asked Daddy to watch her. He decided to give her a cheap toy - a fresh new roll of toilet paper! When I came back, she was busy unrolling it. I have to admit that I placed the paper on her head, but the mess was all her and daddy. After she was done with this mess, I just gathered it up and put it on the back of the toilet for his own future use.

I saved the best for last!! Lizzie has a facination with feeding herself. So I stripped her down to her diaper, gave her a bowl of pureed peaches and waited for the fun to begin! She had so much fun!

Now for the updates! She still only takes 2 or 3 steps before sitting down and crawling everywhere. She loves to wave hi and bye bye! She also waves when she says goodnight to MeMa and Grandad, it's so cute. She is finally getting her top teeth. Her top left tooth is through and the right one is getting there. She has broadened her list of favorite foods to include lemons, funny girl. I had one on my tea glass and gave it to her as a joke and she ended up loving it.

Till later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute pictures Annie! What a mess (& fun) food is!