Lizzie Ticker


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Today I had so much fun with Lizzie! She is starting to walk more than she is crawling and whenever she does, I can't help but smile so big from the inside out! My breath stops momentarily as I am just amazed. My little baby, the chubby girl I used to be so scared I would break (watch the head!) is now toddling around. She loves playing chase, helping with laundry, playing in material as I cut fabric to sew, and reading books. She knows the sign for eat and even uses it when she is hungry.

And today she had another first! She can stand up without any help, or holding onto anything! This is just one more step to her growing into a sweet little independent girl. I'm so if she could just eat solids without gagging so much lol

Today I just loved being at home, being a mother. We did a LOT of laundry and changed the sheets on the bed. When she saw me getting ready to make the bed, she walked right over and asked to be put on the bed. She loves the feeling of the clean sheets floating down on her. Watching her grin and hearing her giggle as a puff of air brushed her face was priceless!

Then later on she went out onto the back porch and started to push the screen door open. I didn't realize she could do this So we went outside and played on the trampoline! Here are some pics of the fun we had!

She turned 11 months old on the 5th! I have taken a picture on this chair every single month. Last month she wouldn't sit still so the pic is of her standing beside it. Today, she wouldn't sit still again (wonder why? lol) but I was able to catch her sitting on the arm. You better believe I took her off the chair immediately after...she almost fell backwards!
And do you see the item in her hand? It is an empty eyeliner. She is attached to any item shaped like a pen or pencil. This is the safest one we have let her play with. There are no sharp ends and one end actually has a very soft point.

God bless everyone! I'll update with more pics of the house when I get them! Josh and Ray are putting grout on the tiles yay!! The cabinets are in, but we still need countertops and appliances. SO CLOSE TO MOVE IN!

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