Lizzie Ticker


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

We have electricity! We are so happy we can barely contain it!

I took that picture yesterday, and it sums up exactly how happy I am to have our electricity back. I was driving home Sunday night and the first thing I saw from the windows was the glow of the Christmas tree! Oh boy I was ecstatic! I went through and flushed all the toilets and turned on all the lights. Praise the Lord! And here we thought it would take another week.
In other news, Lizzie Leona is getting even closer to crawling. She will lunge for toys from a sitting position, getting almost on her feet or knees. And she can roll across the room, but she'd rather be sitting. If I leave her on her tummy/back for too long she fusses for me to help her sit back up again.
And I passed my class! I can now officially graduate college. This biology class was a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. So now I can start paying back my student loans by staying home with Lizzie. College sure is an expensive back up plan...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Lizzie's smiles! What a cute baby!