Lizzie Ticker


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Finally! Time for Christmas music, and FOOD!! I finally got down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and now the holidays are here. And I love holiday food more than anything, so it's gonna be hard to be good.

Well, today I am working at my hubbie's cabinet shop filling in for the sick secretary. Lizzie is currently sleeping (when else can I type a blog?), Josh is playing Christmas music, it's snowing outside and food is on its way. Can life get any better than this? I am very surprised at how easily Lizzie is letting me work today. Sure, she has her moments when she wants held and/or nursed, but I just clock out and take care of her. Most of the time though, she has played with her toys. Oh, her favorite game today was when she was sitting in her stroller and she'd drop her toy, bend over to see where it fell and I'd pick it back up for her.

She's growing so big!

What are your thanksgiving plans? I pray that God keeps you safe if you are traveling and sane if you are hosting!

My in-laws are hosting (like they do every year) for about 30 people. I'm glad we are still living there, because I can be more help this way (late at night and early in the morning). The first batch of family arrived last night - cousin John and his 6 kids - at midnight. More should be arriving tomorrow sometime. Then we are eating our meal Saturday!

I have to vent a little bit now. My mom and dad are divorced. I didn't mind that so much when my dad lived in Wisconsin, but he has moved back to Kansas and now him and my mom are 15 minutes away from each other. So holidays are even more stressful now. For example, this Sunday we are eating the meal with dad and then going to my mom's for dessert. Christmas will be seperate too. Why can't we all just get along and do holidays together? It's enough to make me say "Sorry Charlie! It's all or nothing. If you can't get along, Josh, Lizzie and I are having our own holiday without you!" But we live 15 minutes away from them, so its hard to say such harsh words, ya know?

Thanks for letting me vent. My family isn't that stressful, just at times......

God bless you all! Enjoy the binge eating!!

1 comment:

kimberly said...

I'm with you on the multiple holidays business. it's so awkward when we have to eat three thanksgiving dinners because of the broken family. BOO!!! thumbs down.