Lizzie Ticker


Monday, February 26, 2007

I wish to call this: "The crazy rambling of an innocent man"
or maybe its the innocent ramblings of a crazy man... I haven't decided yet.

Well, Annie and I went to Target to register for some baby stuff. It was fun, but half way through the exercise, we realized the futility we were bringing on ourselves. Basically there was no real direction that we were trying to go, with what we were beeping. So, half an hour of reading about what you need for a newborn and what to expect and why this is better than that, but not as good as this other thing that teaches your child French while giving them a bath and you a pedicure. (that wasn't a real item, just in case you were about to go Google it.)

Anyway, we think we have most of what we will need figured out, and so we are ready for it to be completely wrong and our baby will hate all of it, and since most of it is a pinkish hue, our baby will also be a boy. Which I think would be absolutely hilarious. Not that I care either way, but the humor in that alone will make me a very very VERY happy person.

Annie is using four pillows to sleep now. I get to help tuck the one behind her back in and it helps me to feel important. She is so cute too. =) Sadly though, I have had a persistent cough now for quite some time and it wakes her up at night and makes me feel bad for waking her.

My truck broke down quite nicely out in the middle of nowhere. And then started on fire. Or at least started smoking heavily before I unplugged the battery cable. I have horrible luck out there with fires. I have never had a fire in a vehicle in my life, until I tried doing work on the property. Very weird.

There isn't much time left to try and build this shed/house thing, and I have had several (and I am very gracious for them) offers from the church to come out and help me get things done on it. I just have to get my ducks in a row before it will do any good to have someone help, otherwise there will be two people standing around with their hands in their pockets instead of just one.

I was out trying to figure out where to put the drive way in for the shed today. There are these really cool vines (the locals call them "Wild Roses") with 1/2" thorns of death and clothing rippage that are all over the place. I had to walk through way more of them than I wanted to today to try and put flags up for the bulldozer man to come and push a path for the gravel truck to come dump stone for the drive. Anyway, I thought I would sum this experience up with one word: "ouchy".

I think that the title is not correct as it, this is definitely more like: "
the innocent ramblings of a crazy man" than anything else.

Oh, and the cat, Christy, has round worms. But she still meowes incessantly, so I always have that to look forward to every morning when I come in. Oh, and she has begun to invade my desk top area with her stretching and cleaning as well. So that is fun as well. She is still a really great cat even if she is somewhat annoying at times... all times.

have a nice day
